
115 Movie Reviews

16 w/ Responses

The Perfect Halloween Movie

So THAT'S how Jerry ended up in Hell! XP

I really liked this movie, even though it was a bit short; I especially liked seeing another old yet popular character of yours again. Now I also see why Jerry's childhood was traumatizing; it's because of his dad, which REALLY cracked me up!

I hope you win the contest, man. :)

Don't make me pull the face...!

I told you I couldn't manage to watch this on my PC. But I did say MY PC. I DID, however, manage to watch it on a DIFFERENT PC.

Anyway, I thought that this movie was awesome, epsecially with all the humor it contained. But I have to ask you something: did you actually play "World of Warquest" while you were making this movie? Just curious, that's all.

Anyway, 10/10!

How cute

But did it HAVE to be the "last episode"? XP

Although I'm not a BIG fan of your Spookyville series, I am impressed on how much progress you've made on both the first and second episode of it. I especially liked how it reminded me of one of those "TV special" kind of things.

I also found this flash very humorous. The parts that I found humorous were the characters' heads exploding, the "cute Japanese girls" pics, how there was no "Heaven 6", and the dog raping the cat (which was kind of weird, if you ask me...). But what really impressed me was hearing Wendy's voice, which I also liked.

You certainly know to make humorous cartoons, my friend. And that's why I'm giving you a 10/10 for this. Nice job, man. :)

Ah, the classics...

I really enjoyed this movie. And I must say, I found it really interesting, mostly because it took place in the good old days. I dunno why; I'm just interested in the good old days.

What my favorite part would be in this movie would be the old piano music. I <3 the piano (along with any instrument related to it).

BTW, Homestar Runner helped you make this?! THAT IS SO COOL! I also love Homestar Runner, because their work is so darn funny! My compliments!

Anyway, like I said before, I enjoyed the movie. 10/10. :)

Oh my God...

This has GOT to be one of your greatest pieces of flash ever yet. I thought I'd never see the day you make another flash movie like this.

I think I got a Speed Racer DVD collection about a few months ago, and I thought the cartoons were funny. But you, my friend, have seem to made the series look even funnier. I epsecially liked the part about seeing how big Speed's eyelashes are. Nice one, man.


o-O O-o

Although I thought this was a bit weird, I still thought this was enjoyable. I thought this was weird because it was probably filled with a bunch of random drama, but I dunno.

Anyway, can't wait until the next episode comes out! I think I'll like THAT as well! :D

So realistic...

This is certainly ANOTHER piece of serious flash. And I must say, it was quite interesting to watch. It was great to see the characters explaining what art is. But what was REALLY interesting to me was that the kids sounded so real, as if real kids were actually in this piece of flash! Wow!

I especially liked how it was all British-like (GO ENGLAND!). I mean, this certainly reminded me of a BBC special, which is a good thing.

Anyway, 10/10.

I feel like I'm going to cry...

Wow...another piece of serious flash, which really touched me...

It's great to see people like you make pieces of serious flash, and this one, as I've said before, really touched me. It's also great to see pieces of flash that have a MEANING to them. And I saw the greatest meaning of all in this flash animation, which is the same thing YOU said in this movie: what you create will always stay with you.

This was a great flash, which, as I say this ONCE AGAIN, inspired me. 10/10.


Psychid @Pumpkid

Age 32, Male

College Student


Joined on 6/13/08

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