
115 Movie Reviews

16 w/ Responses

Hey, you're back! :D

Even though that probably WAS one of the stupidest jokes I've heard, I still lol'd to this. However, I thought this movie could have been a bit longer, though.

You know, I've seen your animations before, and I thought they were funny (especially this one); but when I watched THIS movie, I thought it looked like you improved on its animation (not that I'm saying your old movies suck or anything; I really enjoyed them).

Nicely done! :)

This is why you're of my favorite authors...

...you have such great, creative humor. :)

I've noticed some people that included the phrase "BEST FLASH EVER!" in their reviews; and I, too, have to admit that this is probably one of the best flash animations you've EVER made for 2008, especially with the great, creative humor you've put into it, as I've said before. Seriously, a Z-gear in a car? SHEER GENIUS. :D

The other bits of humor that made me lol was seeing the carolers sing about Zanta's return (and how they eventually exploded), you and Tom dancing to Winter Wonderland in the car, while Matt was totally freaked out, the first airplane pilot being curious about how planes could fly if they were heavy in the first place (seriously, how DO they fly?), and the presents you, Matt, and Tom got.

I also thought that the music in some parts were fitting to the themes, such as the theme music for Zanta's lair.

And that's all I have to say. Merry Christmas of 2008, Edd!


P.S. Tord was MY favorite, too. XP


I thought you DID quit animation... XP

The return of the ComiX series certainly made me smile, especially since this was a Halloween special. What I enjoyed in this flash was the fact that the gun robot thing also made its return; but it kinda shocked me that it killed little kids... but heck, it's funny!

Can't wait to see more of your flash! :D

Who says I'm too old for Halloween?

It WAS a nice day outside... but not for Vampire Matt! XP

The parts I liked about this movie was when Matt was dressed as a pink bunny for Halloween, and when he was a vampire, he accidentally bit into a pile of garlic that looked like Tom, and when he exploded the first second he got into sunlight.

But what REALLY amused me was the fact that Vampire Matt tried to turn the others into vampires, but failed. That kind of thing is certainly a classic!

Happy Halloween, Edd!

Sweet flash!

You, sir, certainly know how to make flash animations that make us laugh so hard until we die! XD

The parts I found funny in this movie was you and (most of) the gang entering Atlantis... through a toilet, you doing the 'fish impression' to get past the aquatic guards, and one of the aquatic guards mistaking you and your friends for a rock... I especially liked the part when, before he left, Tord back up into Tom... purpousely (that REALLY had me laughing there!).

Speaking of which, why did Tord have to leave? He seemed like a really cool guy! We'll miss you, man. :(

Anyway, great job on this flash! Can't wait for more!


Psychid @Pumpkid

Age 32, Male

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