How DO Pokémon Lay Eggs?
The world may never know. :P
I thought that this movie was very, VERY humorous. But the reason why I gave you a 9/10 for this flash was because you made one slight grammar mistake. It's actually supposed to say "Prof. OAK'S Research" (with an apostrophe), not "Prof. OAKS Research" (without the apostrophe). And inspectertaz DID make a point in his review. It probably WOULD make more sense if Oak DID use a camera instead of staying awake for three long weeks. But if he did, where would the humor be to begin with? :P
Also, and I don't mean to abuse the site's reviewing system, but Ash DID make a point when he said that they've discovered DARK and STEEL-type Pokémon. As a matter of fact, there are two Pokémon in Pokémon Black and White, Komatana and Kirikizan, both of which have the types of DARK and STEEL. Pretty cool, if you ask me. C8
Enough about the pointless information above. What matters is that you've done a good job on this movie, it was absolutely HILARIOUS, and this most definitely DESERVED to be front-paged. Congratulations! :D