
115 Movie Reviews

16 w/ Responses

Good, but probably not allowed

I found the animation to be really professional (not bad, for a beginner! =D), but the reason why I gave such a low score on this flash is that I don't think "experimental" videos are allowed on this site. But maybe that's just me, though.

Yes, I am aware that you've put forth a huge amount of effort into this flash, and I completely understand. But I'm just telling you what kind of flash submissions are and are not allowed on this site, is all. Please, go easy on me. =(

Good job on this flash, though. =)

Wyvernhunt responds:

The next flash will be much longer, I promise!

A bit too much for an Everyone-rated mvie

I found this movie to be VERY humorous (I lol'd at the end XD), but the reason why I gave you a 7/10 for this is because some of the material, mainly the language and the "detatched ass" at the end, kind of exceeded the limits for an EVERYONE-rated movie. This movie could've at least been rated Teen. But that's just me.

A really good movie, though! =)

Needs to have Credits

I have enjoyed the movie, in terms of humor and art style (I especially loved the Total Drama Island/Action references you included in this movie; it's one of my favorite cartoon series =D). But the reason why I gave you a 7/10 for this flash is because you didn't credit anyone for the art styles or the humor styles you included in this story. Because you didn't credit anyone for the styles, other users will think that you have stolen from the respective owners of those art styles. Just saying.

Yes, I'm sorry that I gave you a low score for this, but [hopefully] I was being as constructively criticizing as I could possibly be.

Good job on this flash, though. =)

Information CAN Save Lives...

But exchanging information really isn't necessary, because there's a chance that you're giving information to someone you don't know. So I guess the title should be "Exchanging Information to Those you Actually Know and Trust Saves Lives".

But that's just me. =P

Actually, I found the movie to be fairly interesting and amusing. =D But the reason why I gave you a 9/10 for this is because the movie itself seemed to go a little too fast for me to understand. But I DID understand that information CAN save lives, as long as the person the information is exchanged to is that of one you know and trust.

Still, great job on this movie! =)

This should DEFINATELY win =D

Basically, the title says it all. =D But I'll go on.

Even though I felt sad because of the fact that you and your friends didn't enjoy Christmas that much (at least that's what the movie shows XD), I still hope you have a good one in real life. And as always, your Eddsworld humor was Edd-solutely AMAZING! XD

Hope you win the contest! =)

Last Episode of "Jerry", Huh?

Well... at least the series was fun while it lasted. ;)

And yes, I've seen the other installments of the "Jerry" series, but I didn't get to review them (the ones for "Jackie" and "Junior", to be exact), primarily because I can be a lazy ass myself. =P But I DID enjoy them, I assure you that. ;)

And what do you know? This is probably your VERY FIRST flash movie to ever include commentary! I found most your entire commentary to be very informative, as well as very amusing. And in your commentary, I've learned that people thought Jerry's dad, "Jason", was kind of an abusive jerk to Jerry. Okay, even I have to admit that I kind of thought that, but I didn't COMPLETELY think he was a total douche; I actually thought he was pretty funny (the whole "divorce and adoption" thing, and him holding the beer at his wife's wedding gave me some chuckles XD).

o-O Also, I can't believe that Jerry just talked. O-o

So yeah, I'm kind of sad that the whole "Jerry" series has to come to an end, but as I've said before, it was fun while it lasted. And this, has got to be the best "Jerry" episode of them all.

There really ought to be a collection for this. ;)

10/10, my friend, 10/10


A fine movie indeed, but the reason why I gave you an 8/10 for this is because, for starters, I felt like that there wasn't much of a plot to this at all; I mean, I felt like that this movie was just about an alien life form, and a robot who wants to be friends with the life form, but then gets randomly killed off by a rocket of some sort (that's ANOTHER reason why I gave you an 8/10 for this). That, and there could've been some more movie length.

HOWEVER, I DID find the animation to be quite interesting, even if this WAS made in Photoshop. And I most certainly can't wait for more! =)


Psychid @Pumpkid

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