
115 Movie Reviews

16 w/ Responses


After watching this movie, I DEFINATELY found this interesting! I really, really, REALLY hope that more parts to this series will come out soon (mostly because I like Claire (or whoever the main character's name was) and her voicing talents. My compliments to the actress!)!

Oh, and by the way...10/10

I must say...

This was yet ANOTHER great piece of flash I have seen. I especially liked how great the animation was, even though this was made a few years ago. Nice work!

This should go under the "Funny Cartoons" collection. :)

Oh, and 10/10.

Funny! XD

This flash was so funny. And so are you, which is why you're one of my favorite flash authors. :P

The part that probably made me laugh the most was when your tongue got stuck to the pole (no offense). But this piece of flash could've been a bit longer, though.

But despite that, I'm still giving this a 10/10.

*sniff* So touching...

Wow...another piece of serious flash. And one about someone losing their loved one...

This was very touching, because it probably shows how most people feel when they lose their loved one, just like how the girl felt when she lost her father on September 11, 2001, which was one of the most dangerous days of all time.

I wish that I could see more pieces of serious flash such as this. Hell, I wish that EVERYONE could see more pieces of serious flash such as this, so that they could see what it's like to live through hard times such as this.

And that, my friend, is why I'm definately giving you a 10/10 for this. Nice job.


This was one of the coolest pieces of flash I've ever seen, although I'm not much of a Final Fantasy person. You should really make more great pieces of flash such as this.

10/10. Oh, and sorry that this review was a bit too short.


I've seen in some reviews that this movie is based on what people would have to face in real life (or something like that). I, too, feel the same way about this after watching this animation.

To me, it was basically about a guy living a hard life, getting out of bed, taking a shower, eating his breakfast, going to work at a grocery store, driving on home, watching some comedy show while drinking beer, and then going to bed. This continues on and on, until something, or should I say someONE, walks into his life. It is then when his life changes.

This was a great flash, which greatly inspired me. I was thinking that this could go under the "serious shorts" section, but seeing that people thought this was a funny flash, I've decided not to go there.

Anyway, 10/10.


I'm guessing THIS is why your Mastermind game is taking so long to make. :P

I really thought that the animation in this cartoon was new to me, right after looking at the conscience. Are you making a new kind of animation or something? I'm just wondering.

I really hope that this goes under the Blockhead collection. :)


That was a very interesting music video. I especially liked how perfect the timing of the "walking and smashing" was. Nice.


o-O O-o

Oh. My. God.


And I must say, the animation was fairly interesting. I hope you make more movies like these.


Psychid @Pumpkid

Age 32, Male

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