
8 Game Reviews w/ Response

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This was quite the collab you guys made. I really don't have much to say to this, except that most of the art was pretty professional. Definitely better than anything I could ever come up with, THAT'S for sure. :P

Great job, guys! :D

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Thanks alot

Sunshine is right

I found the music to be somewhat fitting for this game, but sunshinedafox DID make a point in his review.

I understand that this is one of those games where you have to "drag and drop accessories" onto a digitally animated person. And frankly, I understand that most of these games are actually quite popular on Newgrounds or any game-hosting website.

But really; THIS "drag-and-drop accessories" game was rather... dull. Why? Well, for starters, his mentioning of the so-called "annoying awesome face meme", apparently promoting "4chanism", IS kind of getting overrated nowadays. Also, you said in the summary that there are eight MEDALS in this game. But do I SEE any medals to grab in this game? I didn't think so.

Now that I think about it, I see the main reason why medals didn't appear in this game was that sunshinedafox claimed that you had to "work a little harder" so that your medals "might actually get approved". I understand that you put SOME effort into this game, which is really great for an elven-year-old like you; but a LOT of effort? Not so much.

Before I forget, let's review the following disclaimer:

"If you don't have a webcam, then don't be stupid and review this and rate 0! If you haven't experienced the game, then why review it?"

Yeah, that can be downright insulting to others.

Don't get me wrong; I understand that you put some effort into it; but really, me, sunshinedafox, and most of us Newgrounders expected better.

Yusuf responds:

there are medals, and they haven't been disapproved, so there's always a chance...

also i went to your profile to see if you had any of the medals, and you didn't, so you didn't even play the game! the medals are for drag and dropping the accessories, and as far as your profile says you don't have any of the medals!

Oh, no! Darcy did... something...! :O

I've waited long for the two-year-anniversary game of "Reincarnation" to come out; and boy was it worth the wait. :D What amazed me was that there are TWO different possible endings to kill Darcy and send him back to Hell (chemicals and arson)! Now THAT'S something! C:

However, the reason why I gave you an 8/10 for this flash is because as soon as you kill Darcy, the victory music doesn't seem to play; that goes the same for the music that usually plays after the victory music. If you could try to fix that, it would be great.

Still, this was a great "Reincarnation" game, as always; I await more. :D

Oh, and Happy Halloween! ;)

LiLg responds:

It plays now! :) Thanks for pointing that out.


So far, so good for Part 2 of Millie Megavolte 6! :D The backgrounds and the music were fitting, and the fact that this is (kind of) your very first piece of flash that included voices (and ones that fit the characters so well, I might add)... I was just so impressed!

But the reason why I gave you a 9/10 for this is that I kind of have to agree with snowfender, the voice of Millie: the game IS kind of hard, even set at Easy difficulty. However, that's only minor complaint, and I'm not being a total wuss about this.

Still, great job on this game! Can't wait for Part THREE! :D

Myroid responds:

I made some changes to make the game easier and they're live on the official site.

Cool RPG!

This was a pretty cool RPG game! :) It kind of reminded me of one of those "Adventure Quest" kind of RPG games, which I think is pretty cool!

However, the reason why I gave you an 8/10 for this is because, for starters, I kind of saw an easter egg that when you touched the mage's... things, they start to wiggle. That I thought was a bit too sexually suggestive for a flash that's suitable for EVERYONE (including those of young audiences). Also, I understand that you thought that the three Regis (Regirock, Regice, and Registeel) are some of the coolest Pokémon you've ever seen (personally, so do I). And I don't know about you, but I felt that it was kind of random to put such creatures in a game like this, since it doesn't COMPLETELY revolve around the series of Pokémon.

But still, I liked this game, and it's going to my favorites! :)

matt-likes-swords responds:

Children's shows like Gurren Lagann have tons of jiggling so I think kids can handle it.


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