You know, I've been seeing some flash animations/games on this site (mostly by sunshinedafox); and truthfully, even I have to admit that most of the ones I've seen aren't the best ones I've seen. But at least I don't think they deserve such unfair scores...
Unlike you heartless people...
Seriously; people like him have been working so hard on flash movies/games; and how do you repay their creators? Do you give them constructive criticism? Do you tell them what they disliked in a mature way? Do you actually give good reasons on why you didn't like such flashes? NO! Instead, you abuse them by giving such worthless reviews that they can't understand! But what's important is that you act like complete assholes when the rules forbid you to do so! I mean, come on; what is up with that?!
You know, it comes to my attention that most of the reasons why you gave such worthless reviews (and acted immaturely when doing so) on flashes like sunshine's, par example, is mostly because you all "hate SpongeBob and Sonic". Even I kind of have to admit that I'm not much of a big fan of SB or Sonic myself; but that doesn't mean I totally hate both series! Plus, I don't see what the big deal is is SB or Sonic, anyway!
In other words, if all you guys are ever going to do is just abuse people who have worked VERY HARD on their flash works for NO APPARENT REASON, then maybe you should get off this site and go to a place like 4chan or something (whatever that is, I dunno)...
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. im MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!! Damn malchor and rejecting me grrrrrrrrrrrrr I want to go smash something
Welcome to the club!